
Mother is a transdisciplinary project dedicated to the yin aspects of existence.

At Oxbow Paige Barnes explored the expression of the body’s interior landscapes through pulse, dance, sound, and video with community participants.


Using acupuncture's pulse listening method, Paige felt participants’ pulse and responded with the offering of a personalized elemental message.


Using a sensor, composer David Siah transcribed the message into a soundscape. The sound accompanied projected dance videos of elemental creatures. The creatures personified the participants’ pulse in visual form.


With bassist Evan Flory Barnes, Paige transformed the pulse recordings and projected elemental creatures into a live dance performance expressing Mother - a sacred yin aspect of existence.



Mother continues to grow and evolve, exploring how to honor the yin aspects of life through dance and health centered experiences.



Artist in Residence, Oxbow 2019

Director, Dance Composition, Video: Paige Barnes

Computer Scientist, Sound Design: David Siah

Light Artist: Amiya Brown

Costume Artist: Danielle Blackwell

Video Design: Leo Mayberry

Musician: Evan Flory-Barnes

Dancer: Nadia Losonsky

Poet: Vanessa DeWolf